Letter Swap Discuss with the students that many words are similar. Sometimes it is only one letter that is different in the words. It is very important that the students look at the entire word. Remind the students that in the last unit, they changed one letter of a word to make a new word. In this unit, they will start with one word and change one letter at a time to make as many words as they can. Model for the students with the word can . can—Change the c to a p . pan—Change the a to an i . pin—Add an e to the end. pine—Change the p to an f . n to a v . On student page 13, have the students do a letter swap with the word kind blanks in their student books. Write the word. kind Change the k to m . mind Change the m to f . Change the i to o . fond Change the f to p . pond Correcting the Writing Read the writing sample aloud with the students. Have students discuss as a class the mistakes made in the paper (milk, you, and, my) . Decide how the mistakes are to be marked and corrected. (Some teachers may want students to circle or underline the incorrect words; others may only want the incorrect letter to be marked, etc.) Writing Your Own Story Have students write stories about a food they would like to help cook. Encourage the students to use some of their spelling words if possible. Have students look over their stories after they are Have students trade papers to peer-edit. Return papers to the students who wrote them, so students can see and discuss the mistakes that were made. Have students share their stories with a small group or with the class.
Stories will vary. kind mind find fond pond milk you and my Page 13
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