UNIT 5: Earth and Space, Part 2
Lesson 3: Alternative Energy Resources
Learning Goal
Identify alternative energy resources.
Teacher Instruction
Read the instructions in the student edition.
Instruct student groups to complete the task.
Circulate through student groups to facilitate understanding of the task and to
address questions and concerns.
Materials Materials
For student groups
17 miniature
32 toothpicks
plastic bag
Teacher Note Teacher Note
Distribute the exact number of
marshmallows and toothpicks
listed. Student groups may
ask for extra marshmallows
to complete an additional
pyramid. Do not make extra
marshmallows available.
Let’s Engage!
Page 127
1. Use the materials in the resealable plastic bag to build a
pyramid as shown below.
2. Using the materials in your bag, build as many pyramids as
you can. Do not share materials with other groups.
Facilitation Questions
How man
y pyramids did you build? Each student group should have been able to
build three complete pyramids.
Were all the materials used? No, there were materials left over.
Why wasn’t a fourth pyramid built? Our group did not have enough marshmallows.