A Word to the Teacher
Digital Cameras in the Science Classroom
Digital cameras can serve several purposes in the science classroom. To help
students build vocabulary skills, have students take photographs to represent
science terms being studied. Or introduce photos to students, asking them to
identify science terms represented in images. Digital cameras can be used as data
collection devices and as tools for creating digital collections of items such as leaves
or insects.
Teacher Edition
Teacher pages include a materials list, basic instructions for each lesson, facilitation
questions and answers, hints and suggestions for implementation, snapshot visuals
of handouts and reproducible masters from the Teacher Resource CD, and answers
to the questions and activities in the student edition. Pages from the student edition
are embedded throughout the lesson to allow f
or ease of use when observing
directions and activities. The Gateways Features page illustrates these components.
Teacher Resource CD
The CD included with each teacher edition of Gateways includes reproducible
masters, lab station cards, manipulatives, and handouts for student distribution.
Reproducible masters for assessments are also located on the CD. Assessments
include Curriculum-Based Assessments (CBAs) that follow each
unit. CBAs are
written to both address the specific curriculum learned during a particular unit
of study and spiral back to reinforce development of scientific investigations and
reasoning skills.
Copyright law prohibits
the copying or sharing of these materials for any purpose
outside of direct classroom instruction by the one teacher who owns the purchased
copy of the teacher edition.
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