

What did you learn about satellites?

What did you learn about low-Earth orbit?

How can
we insulate a satellite to protect it from extreme temperatures in low-Earth orbit?

What do you know ab
out the job of an aerospace engineer? A materials scientist? A computer


What questions do you still have?


If students have access to and experience working with single-board computers, such as Arduino®

or Raspberry Pi®, teams can be challenged to create their own temperature sensor that can be

placed inside the prototype during testing.

If students have access to a 3-D printer, challenge teams to design and print a CubeSat frame.

Have students research the different types of satellites and how gr
oups of small satellites can work

together to replace single, larger satellites


What materials did your team use? Why did you choose those materials?

What is the mass of your final prototype?

What are the dimensions of your final prototype?

How w
ell did your design meet the criteria for cold temperatures?

How w
ell did your design meet the criteria for warm temperatures?

Where do you think thermal energy moved in or out of the prototype?

What could be improved or done differently?


Facilitate student reflection on the science concepts applied to complete the design challenge.

Ask questions about related science and STEM careers to help students make career connections.

460-2058 SDCS G6-8.indb 147460-2058 SDCS G6-8.indb 1477/9/2021 4:50:20 PM7/9/2021 4:50:20 PM
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