Challenge 7:
Shielding Satellites
Content Objective
I can explain how s
pacecraft are designed to withstand extremely high and low t
in space.
Language Objective
I can use sentence stems to verbally share ideas with my group.
Key Question
How can we insulate a satellite to protect it from extreme temperatures in low-Earth orbit?
Objects in space, like satellites, are exposed to extreme temperatures. When satellites in orbit
near Earth are exposed to sunlight, the surface temperature of the satellite can reach over 150°C
(300°F). When the satellite passes behind the Earth, out of the path of sunlight, the surface
temperature can drop to -130°C (-200°F). Insulation and thermal control systems are important
features of a satellite because the systems located inside the satellite can stop working if the
internal temperature of the satellite gets too high or too low.
Design Challenge
A mobile communications company is planning to launch a series of satellites to create a global
communication network. Your team of scientists and aerospace engineers is competing with other
teams to design the spacecraft bus—the structural part of the satellite. The spacecraft bus must
insulate the satellite so that it is able to maintain a stable internal temperature range when exposed
to the extreme temperatures of space. The company has asked each design team to build a prototype
small satellite (SmallSat) as a proof of concept.
eacher Notes
A satellite is any object that orbits a planet or star. It is a misconception to only think of satellites
as man-made objects that were launched into orbit around the Earth. The Moon is a natural
satellite that orbits Earth. Some artificial (man-made) satellites are large, but small satellites
are increasingly common because they are very cost effective. Through research, students may
learn that SmallSats are classified by size and mass.
During this challenge, students will apply their knowledge of thermal energy transfer to
design the spacecraft bus (structural part of the satellite) that will insulate a small satellite
so that it can maintain a relatively stable internal temperature in hot and cold environments.
Through research, students may learn that a special material called multilayer insulation (MLI)
is frequently used on the outside of satellites to reflect much of the Sun’s thermal radiation.
Satellites are made with insulating materials and have a thermal control system that helps to
maintain the internal temperature. While students do not have access to MLI or an electronic
thermal control system, they should have access to common household materials that can be
used to reflect light and heat as well as materials that can be used as insulation. Students were
introduced to thermal conductors and insulators in grade 4 (TEKS 4(6)(B)).
continued next page
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