learning cycle. For example, one choice is to administer the reading
multiple-choice questions after each reading selection has been completed.
The short-answer questions that apply to a single selection could also be
administered at the completion of the reading. The revising and editing
questions would be administered at the most appropriate time throughout
the instructional process. The short-answer questions, which apply to more
than one selection along with the written component (stories and essays),
would be administered at the completion of all reading selections. An answer
key is provided at the back of each unit.
After incorporating the sections of the test into the learning cycle, build the
necessary time for administration of these sections of the test into your
overall plans.
NOTE: When using Option One, it is not necessary or expected that the
included assessments would be administered in their entirety.
In the final stage, Step Six, after the sections of the assessments have been
scored, review the data and chart the weaknesses overall and individually.
Then plan how best to approach any areas needing additional instructional
time and resources. It is imperative that educators allow for time to reteach
and review skills for persistent weaknesses before continuing within the unit
or moving on to another unit.
The entire process of lesson planning for Option One might look something
like this.