A Word to the Teacher
Students can be told that grouping assignments will change and that they will
ultimately have the opportunity to work with everyone, or nearly e
veryone, in the
Strategies for Organizing Information
Learning is more powerful when students routinely take information presented in
one format and represent it in an alternative way. Learning and retention can be
improved by integrating information from both the verbal and the visual-spatial forms
of representing and organizing information.
Concept Mapping
A concept map visually displays information by using main ideas and labeled lines.
The concept map identifies relationships between important ideas and concepts,
and it demonstrates a deeper, conceptual student understanding. Many students
find it easier to make sense of information when it is presented in a visual format.
The concept map can help students organize information by compressing, focusing,
identifying connections, and supporting interpretation.
Select a unit of work for concept mapping.
Identify the major/minor concepts. Each concept may be put onto a separate
piece of paper in order to rearrange them.
Rank the concepts from most general to most specific.
Arrange the most general concept at the top.
Link this concept to the most specific concepts using straight lines.
Label all lines with linking words that explain the relationship. Maps usually, but
not always, read from top to bottom.
Crosslinks can be used to show e
ven more connections and relationships
(Skoog & Lien, 1988).