A Word to the Teacher
Keeping a science notebook is an effective way for students to save information
about experiences for future use and provides a way for students to reflect upon
those experiences (Marcarelli, 2010). Throughout Gateways Kindergarten, there
are class science notebook opportunities. Kindergarten students should also
maintain a science notebook. The teacher edition provides instruction for students to
record class science notebook entries, their thoughts, observations, collected data,
drawings, and other information throughout the year.
The class science notebook should be written on chart paper with a blue or black
marker and written large enough for students to see from a short distance away.
It should be displayed in a location where students can access it for reading and
copying. Sample entries to assist in the development of notebooking skills for both
student and teacher can be found throughout the teacher edition as shown.
leaves, and/or flowers that help them meet their
Using the class science notebook will allow the
teacher to guide the writing process
and build critical-thinking skills by “thinking aloud,” asking higher level questions,
and modeling the use of scientific language as notebook entries are created. It
will also give opportunities for students to be more successful as they process the
information and build their understanding of the content. Involving students in the
creation of notebook entries allows them to take ownership of the new kno
while modeling how to
keep a notebook like a scientist.
Students will have many opportunities to make predictions and explain their
thoughts in their notebooks. The student science notebook should include paper
for taking notes and recording data but may take different forms. Teachers may
choose to use blank or lined pages stapled together with reproducible master
pages, a composition book, or a spiral for students to record information and attach
reproducible masters.