What IsSTAARReview to Go: Sciencefor Grade 4?
Repaso para llevar: Ciencias—Cuarto grado©2019Region 4 Education Service Center
4. Print copies of the student pages. These are designed to be takeaways for
students to use asastudyguide.
Using Review Activity Folders
The folder format provides flexible options for review. The following are examples of
ways to use the folders:
Whole-Class Review:During one class period, the class works through the same
review activity folder(s)and debriefsthem together.
Review Stations: Student groups work through each folder and noteany topics
on which they have confusion or need further review. The teacher should monitor
to detect any misconceptions. These points for review can be addressed
individually or as a class to make the best use of class time.
Individualized Review:Students work through activities that target their areas of
greatest need based onformative assessment data.
Answer Keys
Answer Keys are included with each activity. The Answer Keys embedded in the
Teacher Notes were left in English so teachers can use them as a reference of the
Spanish/English academic language alignment. The Answer Keys in the folder pages
should be printed, cut out, and attached to the folder or Solution Station. Other Answer
Keys are provided on sample student pages. The Answer Keys can be used in one of
the following ways:
Place the Answer Key on the back cover of the folder for students to self-check
as they work through the activity.
Place the Answer Key on the back cover of the folder undera flap secured by an
adhesive fabric fastener dot for students to self-check as they work through the
Plan for students to visit a Solution Station with a labeled Answer Key for each
Debriefing and Providing Feedback
Depending on how the folders are used, the teacher may choose a variety of strategies
to provide feedback.
Use Key Questionsandpractice assessment items to debrief the review activity.
Students should be able to accurately answer these questions following the
Students work through each review activity and use the Answer Key or visit the
Solution Station to check their answers.Students should note when they have
confusion about a concept so it can be addressed.
Teachers may choose to be the Solution Station byholding the Answer Keys and
discussing student understandings/misconceptions as they check their work.
Repaso para llevar: Ciencias—Cuarto grado©2019Region 4 Education Service Center
4. Print copies of the student pages. These are designed to be takeaways for
students to use asastudyguide.
Using Review Activity Folders
The folder format provides flexible options for review. The following are examples of
ways to use the folders:
Whole-Class Review:During one class period, the class works through the same
review activity folder(s)and debriefsthem together.
Review Stations: Student groups work through each folder and noteany topics
on which they have confusion or need further review. The teacher should monitor
to detect any misconceptions. These points for review can be addressed
individually or as a class to make the best use of class time.
Individualized Review:Students work through activities that target their areas of
greatest need based onformative assessment data.
Answer Keys
Answer Keys are included with each activity. The Answer Keys embedded in the
Teacher Notes were left in English so teachers can use them as a reference of the
Spanish/English academic language alignment. The Answer Keys in the folder pages
should be printed, cut out, and attached to the folder or Solution Station. Other Answer
Keys are provided on sample student pages. The Answer Keys can be used in one of
the following ways:
Place the Answer Key on the back cover of the folder for students to self-check
as they work through the activity.
Place the Answer Key on the back cover of the folder undera flap secured by an
adhesive fabric fastener dot for students to self-check as they work through the
Plan for students to visit a Solution Station with a labeled Answer Key for each
Debriefing and Providing Feedback
Depending on how the folders are used, the teacher may choose a variety of strategies
to provide feedback.
Use Key Questionsandpractice assessment items to debrief the review activity.
Students should be able to accurately answer these questions following the
Students work through each review activity and use the Answer Key or visit the
Solution Station to check their answers.Students should note when they have
confusion about a concept so it can be addressed.
Teachers may choose to be the Solution Station byholding the Answer Keys and
discussing student understandings/misconceptions as they check their work.