What IsSTAARReview to Go: Sciencefor Grade 4?
Repaso para llevar: Ciencias—Cuarto grado©2019Region 4 Education Service Center
STAAR Review to Go: Sciencefor Grade 4isa student-centered review resourcethat
supports the ScienceTEKS taught in grade 4 and assessed on the grade 5 STAAR
exam. Laying a strong foundation in science beginning in kindergarten is critical for
student success. Having students who enter fifth grade with a solid knowledge of
science allowsfifth-grade teachers to dig deeper into the content and allows students to
better master it. The grade 5 STAAR exam is cumulative and assesses supporting
TEKS from both third and fourth grades.
For grade 4,teachers can use theseactivities to review, reteach, or spiral back to
previously taught concepts.For grade 5, teacherscan use these activities for 1–2 days
or for up to 2weeks as review activities before the STAAR exam in science class. The
activities can also be used as Saturday review sessions or during tutorials.
Each activity is TEKSbasedand may be used to enrich Tier I instruction or as a review
at the rigor outlined by the TEKS.Eachreviewactivity is designed to take 15–30 minutes
and fit inafile folder to create aconvenient and engagingreview resource.
What is STAARRepaso para llevar: Ciencias?
STAAR Repaso para llevar: Ciencias, the Spanish version of STAAR Review to Go:
Science, is designed to support second language learners in developing language while
maintaining the rigor of the Science TEKS. These students maybe those that are in
dual language classroom setting learning a second language (Spanish), and/or those
that are learning English and need to use their native language (Spanish) as a linguistic
accommodation during instruction.
Creating Review Activity Folders
Whether using the review activities in this book or creating your own, you will need the
following materials:
access to acopy machine and/or printer
clear tape
resealable plastic bags
file folders, preferably a different color for each Reporting Category
glue and/or glue sticks
Create a set (or two, if needed) of Review Activity Folders and place them in stations for
students to review over several class periods or make several folders for each activity
and have the whole class work through each folder at the same time.
Follow these steps to create a Review Activity Folder:
1. Read through the Materials Lists, Advance Preparation, and Teacher Notes
sections of the activity pages and gatherthe materialsfor theactivity.
2. Print the Labels, Task Cards, and Student Answer Keys.You may choose to
make copiesfrom the book or access the digital files to print in color or black and
white. Access digital files at http://r4hub.esc4.netusing your login.
3. Cut out the Labels, Task Cards, and Student Answer Keys andattacheachto
the folder. You may choose to follow the sample layout or organizethe folder in a
way that meets the needs of your students.
Repaso para llevar: Ciencias—Cuarto grado©2019Region 4 Education Service Center
STAAR Review to Go: Sciencefor Grade 4isa student-centered review resourcethat
supports the ScienceTEKS taught in grade 4 and assessed on the grade 5 STAAR
exam. Laying a strong foundation in science beginning in kindergarten is critical for
student success. Having students who enter fifth grade with a solid knowledge of
science allowsfifth-grade teachers to dig deeper into the content and allows students to
better master it. The grade 5 STAAR exam is cumulative and assesses supporting
TEKS from both third and fourth grades.
For grade 4,teachers can use theseactivities to review, reteach, or spiral back to
previously taught concepts.For grade 5, teacherscan use these activities for 1–2 days
or for up to 2weeks as review activities before the STAAR exam in science class. The
activities can also be used as Saturday review sessions or during tutorials.
Each activity is TEKSbasedand may be used to enrich Tier I instruction or as a review
at the rigor outlined by the TEKS.Eachreviewactivity is designed to take 15–30 minutes
and fit inafile folder to create aconvenient and engagingreview resource.
What is STAARRepaso para llevar: Ciencias?
STAAR Repaso para llevar: Ciencias, the Spanish version of STAAR Review to Go:
Science, is designed to support second language learners in developing language while
maintaining the rigor of the Science TEKS. These students maybe those that are in
dual language classroom setting learning a second language (Spanish), and/or those
that are learning English and need to use their native language (Spanish) as a linguistic
accommodation during instruction.
Creating Review Activity Folders
Whether using the review activities in this book or creating your own, you will need the
following materials:
access to acopy machine and/or printer
clear tape
resealable plastic bags
file folders, preferably a different color for each Reporting Category
glue and/or glue sticks
Create a set (or two, if needed) of Review Activity Folders and place them in stations for
students to review over several class periods or make several folders for each activity
and have the whole class work through each folder at the same time.
Follow these steps to create a Review Activity Folder:
1. Read through the Materials Lists, Advance Preparation, and Teacher Notes
sections of the activity pages and gatherthe materialsfor theactivity.
2. Print the Labels, Task Cards, and Student Answer Keys.You may choose to
make copiesfrom the book or access the digital files to print in color or black and
white. Access digital files at http://r4hub.esc4.netusing your login.
3. Cut out the Labels, Task Cards, and Student Answer Keys andattacheachto
the folder. You may choose to follow the sample layout or organizethe folder in a
way that meets the needs of your students.