information they will be able to process. Think of how many words they could
master by graduation.
Vocabulary acquisition is not isolated to one content area. It requires time
and effort in all subjects. Intertwining and relating content areas is an
effective way to expose learners to science vocabulary from an early age.
Continuing this practice is critical for students’ success as they age. For
example, use reading passages in an English course that address science
content. Focus on teaching measurement and conversions in math and
science using the same, consistent language. Know how to align the teaching
of social studies and science concepts. All of these actions contribute to
students learning science vocabulary.
One of the biggest challenges teachers face is how to tackle vocabulary words.
• How do we help students commit vocabulary words to memory?
• How do we choose vocabulary words with the greatest impact on
student learning?
• How do we teach vocabulary words to all students?
These questions and more will be answered in this book.