© 2020 Region 4 Education Service Center

Auer, Valerie, and Marguerite Hartill. 2014.

Vocabulary NOW! 44 Strategies All

Teachers Can Use


San Antonio: Canter Press.

Beck, Isabel, Margaret G. McKeown, and Linda Kucan. 2013.

Bringing Words to Life:

Robust Vocabulary Instruction


2nd ed. New York: The Guilford Press.

Carleton, Lindsay, and Robert J. Marzano. 2010.

Vocabulary Games for the Classroom


Bloomington: Marzano Research Laboratory.

Graves, Michael F. 2016.

The Vocabulary Book: Learning and Instruction.

2nd ed.

New York: Teachers College Press.

Hill, Jane D., and Kathleen M. Flynn. 2006.

Classroom Instruction that Works with

English Language Learners.

Alexandria: ASCD.

Marzano, Robert J. 2004.

Building Background Knowledge for Academic Achievement.

Alexandria: ASCD.

Marzano, Robert J., Jennifer S. Norford, Diane E. Paynter, Debra J. Pickering,

and Barbara B. Gaddy. 2001.

A Handbook for Classroom Instruction that Works.

Alexandria: ASCD.

Marzano, Robert J., and Debra J. Pickering. 2005.

Building Academic Vocabulary

Teacher’s Manual.

Alexandria: ASCD.

Region 4 ESC. 2018.

Companion Guide to Gateways to Science: Literacy Strategies


Houston: Region 4 ESC.

Sprenger, Marilee. 2013.

Teaching the Critical Vocabulary of the Common Core.

Alexandria: ASCD.

Sprenger, Marilee. 2014.

Vocab Rehab

. Alexandria: ASCD.

Sprenger, Marilee. 2017.

101 Strategies to Make Academic Vocabulary Stick.

Alexandria: ASCD



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