Think of the connections between a home, an office, and various other places
as a spider web (minus the stickiness and spider, of course). If you need to
travel from one side of a spider web to another, the routes are nearly endless.
So what does that analogy have to do with this book? You guessed it.
Considering multiple paths between your home and office is similar to how we
should consider accessing vocabulary words. Do we or our students know the
words well enough to access them in multiple ways? If one path is blocked,
can we or our students access a word via another path? That’s the goal!
Word memory should be triggered by our senses, experiences, motions,
associations, and so much more. The more pathways that exist, the easier
and faster we can all retrieve words.
Vocabulary can be categorized as conversational or academic. Our everyday
language is considered conversational and at times, informal. Academic
vocabulary is more formal and is used to speak about the content we’re
learning. Both types of vocabulary are useful in many contexts. Building
academic vocabulary is a vertical responsibility and challenge, and as
educators, it’s up to us to teach and help students master it. Instead of
reteaching the same words every year, students should review the words
they’ve previously been taught while focusing on widening their vocabulary
banks with new words in every grade level. Also critical is realizing that
science teachers of all levels are reading teachers because students must
be able to read, write, and infer meaning to be successful in science. We
can reinforce and provide students with opportunities to communicate
through speaking, reading, writing, and listening in science. Imagine what an
invaluable, irreplaceable, life-long gift that would be for both the students and
the teachers who follow. The larger students’ vocabularies grow, the more