Activity Page
Generating and Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems,
Activity 1
Generating and Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems,
Activity 2
Generating and Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems,
Activity 3
2(5)(A) Determining the Value of Coins 120
2(5)(B) Using the Cent Symbol, Dollar Sign, and Decimal Point, Activity 1 122
2(5)(B) Using the Cent Symbol, Dollar Sign, and Decimal Point, Activity 2 128
2(6)(A) Joining Equivalent Sets, Activity 1 130
2(6)(A) Joining Equivalent Sets, Activity 2 132
2(6)(B) Separating Into Equivalent Sets, Activity 1 136
2(6)(B) Separating Into Equivalent Sets, Activity 2 138
Activity Page
2(7)(A) Even or Odd, Activity 1 140
2(7)(A) Even or Odd, Activity 2 144
2(7)(B) More or Less, Activity 1 146
2(7)(B) More or Less, Activity 2 150
2(7)(C) Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 1 154
2(7)(C) Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 2 156
2(7)(C) Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 3 158
Activity Page
2(8)(A) Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 1 160
2(8)(A) Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 2 162
2(8)(A) Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 3 164
2(8)(B) Classifying and Sorting Three-Dimensional Solids, Activity 1 168
2(8)(B) Classifying and Sorting Three-Dimensional Solids, Activity 2 172
2(8)(C) Classifying and Sorting Polygons, Activity 1 176
2(8)(C) Classifying and Sorting Polygons, Activity 2 180
2(8)(D) Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 1 184
2(8)(D) Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 2 186
2(8)(D) Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 3 188
2(8)(E) Decomposing Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 1 192
2(8)(E) Decomposing Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 2 196