with concept maps, reading passages, videos, or guided discussion. No matter the method,
students need evidence that contradicts faulty thinking. As a side note, students without
misconceptions can simultaneously work through this process. It would be beneficial for them
to reinforce and strengthen their ideas.
More than one encounter and several pieces of evidence may be required to alter incorrect
thinking. The amount of time involved with this step depends on the depth and complexity
of the misconception. You may also find that you need to revisit misconceptions throughout
the year if students revert back to incorrect thinking. You will see a variety of strategies used
to confront the misconceptions addressed in this book. We have also provided a list of ideas
in the Appendix for creating your own activities.
Replacing Misconceptions
Of the three steps, the Replace activities firmly place control in the hands of the students.
They have the opportunity to engage in activities of their choosing to reinforce new lear
We can provide different options that appeal to diverse learners and their needs. Some ways
to replace misconceptions include:
Story telling
Song writing
Picture drawing
Video recording
Model building
Concept mapping
Building as many new br
ain pathways as possible is key not only to replacing misconceptions
but also to retaining the new inf
ormation. When a learner interacts with an idea or concept
in different ways (e.g., reading, writing, speaking, drawing, movement, music, models), each
interaction can create a new and
different pathway to that idea or concept. The more brain
pathways a learner has, the more ways that learner can retrieve that idea or concept. Repetition
can make these pathways more permanent, helping students retain information. Each of these
strategies involves both sides of the brain as students think logically and creatively to infuse
learning using a selected strategy. Consider providing students a choice around whether
work is achieved independently, in pairs, or in small groups. When attempting to replace a
misconception, the key point to remember is providing the learner with opportunities to
interact with new lear
ning in meaningful ways that demonstrate their understanding.
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