Line and Bar Graphs
Graphs are used to make visual displays or pictures of data. They are often useful
to show patter
ns, trends, and relationships between variables. The following steps
should be used to make a line or bar graph.
1. Draw the axes on grid paper using a straight edge. Allow enough
beneath the x-axis and to the left of the y-axis to writes labels and numbers.
2. Place the independent variable on the horizontal axis and the dependent
variable on the vertical axis.
3. Indicate the unit of measurement for each variable inside parentheses.
Example: Distance Traveled (km)
4. Determine an appropriate scale for each axis. Keep intervals evenly spaced.
When possible have each square on the grid represent an interval of 1 unit or
multiples of 2, 5, or 10.
5. Accurately plot your data. For a line graph, place dots at the intersection of the
recorded values for the independent and dependent variables. For bar graphs,
make vertical bars of equal width up to points of intersection of the recorded
values for the independent and dependent variables.
6. Multiline graphs or multibar graphs must include a key.
7. An appropriate and descriptive title should be written at the top of the graph.
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