UNIT 5: Structure and Function of Organisms, Part 2
Lesson 1: Physical and Chemical Changes in Digestion
e 100 Sheets • 200 Pages • Wide Ruled
9 3/4 x 7 1/2 in. • 24.7 x 19.0 cm Eat a Cracker
1. Your teacher will give you two unsalted crackers.
2. Chew the
crackers in your mouth for 2 minutes without swallowing.
3. Record your observations, including the initial taste of the crackers and their
taste after 2 minutes.
Why do we chew our
food before swallowing?
e 100 Sheets • 200 Pages • Wide Ruled
9 3/4 x 7 1/2 in. • 24.7 x 19.0 cm Procedure
1. Write a hypothesis of what will happen when pineapple is placed on gelatin.
Record your hypothesis in your science notebook.
2. Place the small piece of pineapple in the middle of the Petri dish containing
3. Over several minutes, record your observations.
4. Dispose of all materials according to your teacher’s directions. Leave your area
clean and organized.
1. Do your results support your hypothesis?
2. Did a chemical change occur? If yes, what evidence do you have?
UNIT 5: Structure and Function of Organisms, Part 2
Lesson 1: Physical and Chemical Changes in Digestion
9 3/4 x 7 1/2 in. • 24.7 x 19.0 cm
1. Your teacher will give you two unsalted crackers.
2. Chew the
crackers in your mouth for 2 minutes without swallowing.
3. Record your observations, including the initial taste of the crackers and their
taste after 2 minutes.
Why do we chew our
food before swallowing?
9 3/4 x 7 1/2 in. • 24.7 x 19.0 cm
1. Write a hypothesis of what will happen when pineapple is placed on gelatin.
Record your hypothesis in your science notebook.
2. Place the small piece of pineapple in the middle of the Petri dish containing
3. Over several minutes, record your observations.
4. Dispose of all materials according to your teacher’s directions. Leave your area
clean and organized.
1. Do your results support your hypothesis?
2. Did a chemical change occur? If yes, what evidence do you have?