Warm Up to Science:
TEKS-Based Engagement Activities for Grade 7
© 2015 Region 4 Education Service Center
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79: Odd One Out—Levels of Organization
TEKS 7.12C
Select the word or phrase that does NOT belong with the group. Explain why it does not belong.
The first one has been completed as an example.
1. brain, red blood cell, lung, skin (not an organ)
2. circulatory, respiratory, nervous, liver (not _____________________________________)
3. heart, elephant, human, tree (not _____________________________________)
4. blood, cell membrane, chloroplast, cell wall (not __________________________________)
5. esophagus, eye, stomach, small intestine (not ___________________________________)
6. heart, white blood cell, neuron, red blood cell (not _________________________________)
7. bacteria, grass, cats, fish (not _____________________________________)