Connections to Closing the Distance, Algebra I

The fluency practice activities within Integrating Fluency Practice: Algebra I, Volume 1 align to the content of
Closing the Distance, Algebra I. Additionally, the fluency practice activities may be used to support implementation
of the Sample Tutoring Plans for Closing the Distance. These tutoring plans are available at no additional cost for
those who have purchased Closing the Distance. For more information about Closing the Distance or the Sample
Tutoring Plans for Closing the Distance please contact .

A strong tutoring program has in place:

Well-trained, consistent tutors who build strong relationships with students High-quality instructional materials aligned to standards and classwork One-to-one or small groups (3 or less) for individualized support Tutoring sessions embedded in the school day or immediately before or after to maximize student access At least 3 sessions per week for a minimum of 30 minutes per session Data-driven planning, utilizing aligned formative assessments, with tutors building sessions around student strengths and needs

(Texas Education Agency, 2021)


Hattie, John, and Shirley. Visible Learning: Feedback. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.

Kanter, Patsy F., and Steve Leinwand. Developing Numerical Fluency: Making Numbers, Facts, and Computation Meaningful.
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2018.

Swafford, Jane, Bradford Findell, and Jeremy Kilpatrick. Adding It All up: How Children Learn Mathematics. Washington, DC: National
Academy Press, 2001.

Texas Education Agency. “Texas Tutoring Supports.” Texas Education Agency. Texas Education Agency, August 2, 2022.

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