What is found in an Engaging Mathematics TEKS-based activity?
TEKS have been
phrased in student-
friendly language so
that students may
gauge their learning.
Common classroom materials
are used for ease of
preparation. Materials are
listed 1-per-student unless
otherwise noted. Page titles for
student handouts are bolded.
The emphasis on
algebra readiness skills
necessitates the
implementation of
graphing calculators,
so it is assumed all
student have access to
graphing calculators.
ELPS have been
included in the form
of a student-friendly
language objective.
An answer key is
included for each
questions are
included to assist
the teacher with
facilitating a post-
activity student
Key learning outcomes
from the debriefing
discussion are
summarized here.
Key learning outcomes from
the Communicating about
Mathematics section are
included here.
Each activity
includes an
opportunity for
students to
articulate and
summarize their
own learning.
A sentence frame is
provided for
students who may
need language