Generating and Solving Addition and Subtraction Problems,
Activity 3 ................................................................................. 116–118
Determining the Value of Coins ................................................... 120–121
Using the Cent Symbol, Dollar Sign, and Decimal Point, Activity 1 ... 122–126
Using the Cent Symbol, Dollar Sign, and Decimal Point, Activity 2 ... 128–129
Joining Equivalent Sets, Activity 1 ............................................... 130–131
Joining Equivalent Sets, Activity 2 ............................................... 132–134
Separating Into Equivalent Sets, Activity 1 ................................... 136–137
Separating Into Equivalent Sets, Activity 2 ................................... 138–139
Algebraic Reasoning .................................................................. 140–159
Even or Odd, Activity 1 .............................................................. 140–143
Even or Odd, Activity 2 .............................................................. 144–145
More or Less, Activity 1 ............................................................. 146–148
More or Less, Activity 2 ............................................................. 150–152
Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 1 .. 154–155
Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 2 .. 156–157
Represent and Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems, Activity 3 .. 158–159
Geometry and Measurement ...................................................... 160–237
Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 1 ................................ 160–161
Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 2 ................................ 162–163
Creating Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 3 ................................ 164–167
Classifying and Sorting Three-Dimensional Solids, Activity 1 ........... 168–170
Classifying and Sorting Three-Dimensional Solids, Activity 2 ........... 172–175
Classifying and Sorting Polygons, Activity 1 .................................. 176–179
Classifying and Sorting Polygons, Activity 2 .................................. 180–182
Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 1 ...................................... 184–185
Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 2 ...................................... 186–187
Composing Shapes and Solids, Activity 3 ...................................... 188–191
Decomposing Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 1 ......................... 192–195
Decomposing Two-Dimensional Shapes, Activity 2 ......................... 196–197
Measuring Length, Activity 1 ....................................................... 198–199
Measuring Length, Activity 2 ....................................................... 200–201
Inverse Relationship between Sizes and Numbers of Units .............. 202–204
Representing Distances on a Number Line, Activity 1 ..................... 206–207
Representing Distances on a Number Line, Activity 2 ..................... 208–209
Measuring Length Using Rulers, Activity 1 .................................... 210–211
Measuring Length Using Rulers, Activity 2 .................................... 212–213
Solving Problems Involving Length, Activity 1 ............................... 214–215
Solving Problems Involving Length, Activity 2 ............................... 216–219
Solving Problems Involving Length, Activity 3 ............................... 220–222
Determining Area, Activity 1 ....................................................... 224–225
Determining Area, Activity 2 ....................................................... 226–227
Determining Area, Activity 3 ....................................................... 228–229
Read and Write Time, Activity 1 .................................................. 230–232
Read and Write Time, Activity 2 .................................................. 234–235
Read and Write Time, Activity 3 .................................................. 236–237
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