Gateways to Science Grade 8 for Teachers resources

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UNIT 2: Matter and Energy Lesson 8: Analyzing Chemical Formulas Materials Explore For student pairs • RM 40 • sandwich-size Advance Preparation resealable plastic bag • Copy RM 40: Matching Cards in color on cardstock. Laminate, cut out, and place in plastic bags. UNIT 2: Matter and Energy RM 40 Lesson 8: Analyzing Chemical Formulas Matching Cards Teacher Instruction • Instruct students to use the materials in the plastic bag to complete the Explore activity. • Circulate among the working groups while making formative assessments and redirecting student thinking as needed. • Allow students to participate in a gallery walk to compare results. • Allow students to return cards to plastic bag after the Explain discussion. Gateways to Science, STAAR Edition, Grade 8 © REGION 4 EDUCATION SERVICE CENTER. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Explore Page 64 Matching Game Working in small groups, match the graphic card model with a possible chemical formula. RM 40 Answer Key Refer to RM 40 for correct placement of cards. 118

