Table of Contents
Show Me How: Poetry, Grades 3–5
Poems for Poetry Exploration
- Narrative Poetry 33
- A Boy and His Stomach 44
- How the Little Kite Learned to Fly 55
- Jim, Who ran away from his Nurse, and was eaten by a Lion. 66
- Little Lost Pup 77
- Meddlesome Matty 88
- The Giant 99
- Jumblies 1010
- The Little Black-Eyed Rebel 1414
- The Reformation of Godfrey Gore 1616
- The Story of Augustus, Who Would Not Have Any Soup 1717
- The Two Little Stockings 1818
- Lyrical Poetry 2020
- A Dog and a Man 2121
- An Evening Lull 2222
- Anticipation 2323
- Betty Botter 2424
- Chained in the Yard 2525
- Grammar in Rhyme 2626
- My Brindle Bull-Terrier 2727
- An Evening Lull 2828
- Child’s Song in Spring 2929
- Contented John 3030
- Education 3131
- The Flag Goes By 3232
- Friends 3333
- I Like Little Pussy 3434
- I Saw in Louisiana a Live-Oak Growing 3535
- Little Raindrops 3636
- Let Dogs Delight to Bark and Bite 3737
- Little Things 3838
- Love between Brothers and Sisters 3939
- Moon, So Round and Yellow 4040
- Morning Time 4141
- Mr. Nobody 4242
- My Comforter 4343
- My Dog and I 4444
- My Prairies 4545
- October's Bright Blue Weather 4646
- October’s Party 4747
- Old Man 4848
- Our Dog Jock 4949
- Picture-Books in Winter 5050
- Playgrounds 5151
- There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly 5252
- Precocious Piggy 5353
- Rain 5454
- Rules of Behavior 5555
- Solitude 5656
- Stevenson’s Birthday 5757
- Stronger Lessons 5858
- Suppose 5959
- Ted 6060
- The Best Friend 6161
- The Brook 6262
- The Calf Path 6363
- The Children 6464
- The Cow 6565
- The Dog 6666
- The Dolphin 6767
- The Garden Year 6868
- The Land of Nod 6969
- The Land of Story-books 7070
- The Little Land 7171
- The Lost Puppy 7272
- The Moon by Eliza Lee Follen 7373
- The Moon by Oliver Herford 7474
- The Moon by Robert Louis Stevenson 7575
- The Owl and the Pussy-Cat 7676
- The Rainy Day 7777
- Excerpt from The Shadow March 7878
- The Shadow Kitten 7979
- The Sin of Omission 8080
- The Swing 8181
- The Two Kinds of People 8282
- The Whole Duty of Kittens 8383
- The Wind and the Moon 8484
- The World 8686
- To a Butterfly 8787
- To-day 8888
- Try Again 8989
- Where Go the Boats? 9090
- Windflower Leaf 9191
Tools for Crafting Meaning in Poetry
- Session One: The Moo Cow Moo 9393
- Session One: Winter and Summer 9494
- Session Three: The Little White Dog 9595
- Session Four: September 9696
- Session Five: The Little Plant 9797
- Session Five: The Wind 9898
- Session Five: The Coming Storm 9999
- Session Six: The Wind in a Frolic 100100
- Session Six: Beclouded 102102
- Session Ten: Jack Frost 103103
- Session Ten: The Frost 104104
Forms of Poetry: Narrative Poetry
Forms of Poetry: Lyrical Poetry
- Session One: Clouds 115115
- Session One: A Farm Picture 115115
- Session Two: I Remember, I Remember 117117
- Session Three: Autumn Leaves 118118
- Session Five: Winter and Summer 119119
- Session Five: If 119119
- Session Six: The Butterfly 121121
- Session Six: Bed in Summer 122122
- Session Six: At the Zoo 123123
Forms of Poetry: Free Verse Poetry
Forms of Poetry: Humorous Poetry
Structural Elements of Poetry
- Session One: The Story of Flying Robert 131131
- Session One: Fog 132132
- Session One: Autumn Leaves 133133
- Session One: Tommy the Hippo 133133
- Session Two: Tommy the Hippo 137137
- Session Two: Excerpt from “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” 139139
- Session Two: A Farm Picture 141141
- Session Three: Various Limericks by Edward Lear 142142
- Session Four: There Was a Crooked Man 143143
- Session Four: Kindness to Animals 144144
- Session Four: Various Limericks by Edward Lear 145145
- Session Five: An Old Silent Pond 146146
- Session Five: Over the Wintry 147147
- Session Five: Snow 148148
- Session Five: November Night 149149
- Session Five: There Was an Old Man Who Supposed 150150
- Session Five: There Was a Young Lady 150150
- Session Six: A Name in the Sand 151151
- Session Six: A Farm Picture 152152
- Session Seven: Summer Skirmishes 153153
- Session Eight: A Name in the Sand 154154
- Session Eight: The Rainy Day 155155
- Session Eight: The Itsy Bitsy Spider 156156
- Session Eight: The Wind 157157
Tools for Crafting Sound in Poetry
- Session One: Bow, Wow, Says the Dog 159159
- Session One: Excerpt from “The Bells” 160160
- Session One: Little Raindrops 161161
- Session Three: Betty Botter 162162
- Session Three: One Misty, Moisty Morning 163163
- Session Three: The Little Maid 164164
- Session Five: A Seasonable Song 165165
- Session Five: Four Seasons 166166
- Session Five: Daffodils 167167
- Session Five: Eldorado 168168
- Session Five: The Cupboard 169169
Tools to Revise Poetry