Closing the Distance: Grade 5 Mathematics is a data-driven intervention resource for teachers of students who may be within a few questions of meeting STAAR® standards and require additional support to close the performance gap. Closing the Distance includes 10 student-centered 5E lessons. Each lesson includes a pre-assessment, instructional activities, options for small-group intervention settings, a summative assessment, and a tool to guide student self-assessment and feedback. The teacher edition is accessible in print form. Reproducible masters are accessible in digital form.

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Product ID: 407-1872
ISBN-13: 978-1-937403-96-6

Using Closing the Distance for Tutoring

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  • Click on the link for any lesson from the book to open the e-reader.
  • Click on the down arrow in the left hand menu to view available downloads.
  • Click on the CTD Tutoring Plans PDF to download the file to your device.